Booths/Food Vendors
If you are interested in having a booth/food cart at the Earth Day event or being a sponsor,
please contact Gail Harriss.
Note: This is a non-partisan, zero waste event. We want to maximize education and minimize commercialism.
Prizes: In addition to sponsorships, we’re also looking for gift certificates to use as drawing prizes. Use the Contact form to let us know what you can offer (ideally green-themed items or services.)
Interested in having a table at the Earth Day event?
NOTE: We are putting groups on a waiting list at this time.
Apply for Booth
(Want to sponsor? Sponsors get a free booth but please fill out this booth application too.)
Early bird rate (rates increase on March 1)
$25 (nonprofits) On Mar 1, goes up to $35
$50 (for profits) On Mar 1, goes up to $65
Bring your own table, tent and materials.
NOTE: Due to the overwhelming and great response to requests for booths at the Earth Day Celebration, we are no longer doing booths first come first served, as we want to ensure diversity among our booth participants. Thanks for understanding. Please fill out the application and wait for confirmation.
We are trying to have a zero waste event so please don’t bring non-recyclable bling or packaging.
To draw draw people in, please come up with one learning objective, something people can learn how to do at your booth. “Come here to learn________.” We’ll publish all the objectives with the booth map so people know what each booth can help them do at home.
Food vendors

Apply to be a Food Vendor
$50 (Space is limited)
Please provide plant-based foods and zero waste serviceware.